Our aim is to continuously exceed the expectations of our client to deliver quality solutions. HOP Ubiquitous is focused on developing Human Oriented Product, for that reason quality is the best way to communicate our compromise.
Trust (Security and Privacy)
Proactive safety, security and privacy validations of all our solutions help us provide trustable solutions. HOP Ubiquitous has a strong compromise in the innovation in the Internet of Things towards a better privacy, data management, security, privacy and trust. For that purpose, research and innovation in areas such as edge computing is our priority.
Our partnership with our clients is based on mutual trust and we do what is best for our clients following our company’s values and methods. This has made possible to collaborate with top IT companies such as Fujitsu, Nokia and Microsoft.
To become an industry leader, it is important for us to encourage team work in order to challenge us everyday, dream about how future should be. For that reason, HOPU establishes the hope as the walking path to solve all the challenges and to achieve the disruptive results that make the Internet of Things the key technology driver.
HOPU is an innovation leader in the Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and Smart Cities.
HOPU brings urban innovation through key techs as AI, IoT and Data-Quality. We engage citizens and decision makers, to guarantee that data is understandable by everybody. HOPU supports urban development and digital transformation through data-powered tools with dashboards and IoT devices to monitor air quality for both gases and particulates. Creating IoT sensors and data-driven Smart Environments.
HOPU main market is environmental monitoring solutions; covering digital services with dashboard and decision support tools based on AI algorithms compatible with reference platforms as FIWARE / NGSI, CEF Context Broker, Sentilo, oneM2M / OMA LwM2M and LoRa Cayenne.
These digital services are complemented by in-situ environment monitors based on IoT technology enabling to monitor noise, people affluence/density and gases: nitrous vapours (NO/NO2), sulphides (H2S/SO2), carbon monoxide/dioxide (CO/CO2), Ozone, and other toxic substances as alcohols, ouds (VOCs); particulate matter (PM) to identify specific nanoparticulate such as dust (PM10), pollens (over PM40), pollutants (PM2.5) and viruses (under PM1). Being able to monitor levels of toxicity, pollution and air quality; with high reliability and data quality (certified and verified by our own certified labs).
As a leader in Research, Development and Innovation with an ongoing focus on innovation, HOP Ubiquitous has been recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness as an Innovative SME. The aim of this seal is to give the companies value and to identify them as an innovative enterprise. This recognition concentrates on different innovative aspects, in general are related to funding sources, acknowledgments and results of innovative actions, quality of international cooperation for research and innovation, among others. Thanks to the efforts during the last years, HOP Ubiquitous is now a certified company in terms of innovation.
In addition, HOP Ubiquitous has been awarded with the projects IMPACT: Internet-of-Things Management Platform and Applications based on Connected Things and HOP: Human-Oriented Personalized Internet of Things solutions for Personal Area Networks with end-to-end Cloud Computing integration funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under the National Program for business leadership in Research, Development and Innovation "Horizonte Pyme".
In 2020, HOPU has been recognized by the National Association of Spanish CEEIs - ANCES as an innovative technology-based company; thanks to the support from CEEIC.
The label EIBT granted by the National Association of European Business Centres and Innovation (ANCES). EIBTs are those companies operating in any of the sectors considered as “high technology” (computer science, communications, biotechnology, fine chemicals or electronics), and whose investments in R&D are higher than the average of those from companies belonging to other sectors.
In 2018 HOP Ubiquitous S.L. (HOPU) has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund whose objective is to promote research, technological development and innovation, and thanks to which it has been able to develop the implementation of a Quality Management System according to ISO9001:2015 and the development of memories for patent applications to support the creation and consolidation of innovative companies. For this, it has had the support of the InnoCámaras Program of the Cámara de Comercio de Murcia.
The selection of EIBT companies and awarding of the EIBT seal is done by a jury formed by professional experts of first level. This jury operates according to a rigorous methodology of work that has been perfected and adapted to the new realities of the business sector and the concept of innovation. The expert evaluators belong to different public institutions or private entities aiming the promotion of the business innovation, and ANCES also invites to professionals of other institutions in function of the number or specialty required in the nominations.
In 2019 HOP Ubiquitous S.L. has been a beneficiary of the hiring of graduates in higher level Vocational training (Contratación de titulados en Formación Profesional de grado superior - código 1369) whose objective is the job creation. For this, it has had the support of the Program of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (CARM).
The value of this brand materializes in the integration of the project and his promoters in a preferential group accessing to various services and different programs of support and accompaniment: networking days of EIBTs and large companies, participation in open innovation forums, search and access to investor groups, specialized training and access to the innovative public procurement market.
These projects have been co-financed with FEDER Funds and by the Promotion Institute of the Region of Murcia.
HOP Ubiquitous has been awarded a grant from the Promotion Institute of the Region of Murcia to develop an artificial intelligence system to valorise environmental monitoring data from sensory systems based on the internet of things for urban and agricultural environments.
Dossier: 2018.08.ID+I.0046
HOP Ubiquitous has been awarded a grant "APOYO A INVERSIONES PRODUCTIVAS Y TECNOLÓGICAS COVID-19" from the Promotion Institute of the Region of Murcia to support the adaptation of the company to COVID-19, promoting remote work, security access to the servers and resources required to carry out properly the work.
Dossier: 2020.07.ITCO.000131
This is part of the AI4Cities project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
HOP Ubiquitous SL has been the beneficiary of a grant from the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Internship program for unemployed persons with a higher degree in Vocational Training (code 1369) (SIA 207183) from the Ministry of Employment, Research and Universities of the CARM.
HOP Ubiquitous ha participado en el proyecto MISIÓN TECNOLÓGICA ISRAEL y en la Feria SUMMIT OURCROWD 2022 organizada por el Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, y cofinanciada por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia.