Hop Ubiquitous, along with 9 other companies and consortiums, have been worldwide selected for the development of an IoE (Internet of Everything) project focused on the cities of Helsinki, Copenhagen and Antwerp.
Intelligent Cities are booming and there is an increasing in those who want to join the benefits of new technologies and IoE with the aim of improving citizens quality of life. It is time for three European cities: Helsinki, Copenhagen and Antwerp. They have decided to become Smart Cities and look for the organization which best knows how to focus on its needs.
However, as can be expected, the more market, the more competition. For that reason, Selec4cities has deployed an election system of worldwide companies to choose those that best fit to the needs of these cities. It is a competition which has 3 phases to find that company or consortium and to design fake rolex and develop an IoE platform for smart urban innovation. In the first phase, 57 organizations have been presented with 28 proposals ..
First call of this global competition has finished and 10 companies have been chosen; among them is HOP Ubiquitous that has presented its candidacy based on the platform of innovation “Homard”. It is an IoE platform able to manage Intelligent Cities remotely. Homard is part of a larger project called Harmonie which unite Homard, Fiware (it is an independent community, in which Hop Ubiquitous is a “gold member“, that is committed to “build an ecosystem of APIs and open source for the development of intelligent applications”) and other platforms. Homard is focused on three use cases: health, measuring air quality such as emission of gases, noise, temperature and humidity, energy consumption and mobility.