Warranty Conditions
HOP Ubiquitous S.L. (after this HOPU) guarantees that the offered solutions comply with the technical specifications detailed in the product datasheet. Therefore, HOPU assumes liability only for non-conformities and/or defects proven to have been caused by actions or negligence committed before the devices have been delivered to the customer. Upon receipt, the customer is responsible for the immediate verification of the devices and must inform HOPU accordingly, as detailed in the SAT customer service in this document.
The Homard IoT device management platform, where the information collected by the sensors is reported, will keep the customer informed in real-time about the health status of the device and the operation of each of the sensors deployed.
HOPU shall recognise no other verbal or written warranties other than those expressed herein:
- HOPU warrants that its products are free from material and manufacturing defects and are covered by a legal warranty.
- The legal warranty period for HOPU products shall be three years from the validation date of deployment, provided that HOPU has been the installer. In cases where a third party carries out the installation, the warranty period shall commence from the date of receipt of the devices, provided that a modification of the devices has not been agreed upon in writing in the commercial offer and provided that the devices have been installed and handled by the installation guidelines and technical documentation of HOP Ubiquitous. Software services are not subject to a warranty.
- If one or more of the products sold by HOPU is defective, the customer shall be entitled to return them to HOPU, following the warranty procedure.
- The customer may choose between repair and replacement unless the chosen remedy proves impossible or would involve disproportionate costs for the seller in comparison.
The warranty process requires prior notification to HOPU by any contact methods indicated in the warranty process section.
Suspension of the calculation of time limits pursuant to Article 122 of Royal Decree-Law 7/2021 of 27 April
The period of suspension shall start from the moment the consumer or user makes the good or the digital content or service available to the entrepreneur and shall end at the moment of delivery of the goods or the supply of the digital content or service, already conforming, to the consumer or user.
Supporting documentation by Article 123 of Royal Decree-Law 7/2021 of 27 April
- In the absence of proof to the contrary, the delivery or supply is deemed to have taken place on the day stated on the invoice or sales receipt or on the corresponding delivery note, whichever is later.
- The entrepreneur shall provide the consumer or user who exercises his right to bring the excellent or digital content or service into conformity with documentary evidence of the provision of the premium or digital content or service by the consumer and user, stating the date of delivery and the lack of conformity giving rise to the exercise of the right, as well as documentary evidence of the delivery to the consumer or user of the good or the supply of the digital content or service already in conformity, stating the date of this delivery and the description of the corrective measure carried out.
Legal Coverage - Deployed Devices
The legal warranty offered by HOPU includes the repair, replacement, or exchange of the device and its components free of charge for the customer, including repair costs and related shipping costs. The warranty is valid for any territory in which the devices are distributed, subject to the legal provisions of each country.
HOPU provides a legal warranty of three years, starting from the date of validation of the installation and configuration of the device in its final location. HOPU will also ensure the correct functioning of the device in the event of any defect in the materials and craft used for its manufacture, exempting itself from the installation when this is the responsibility of a third party company or the customer himself.
Thus, the guarantee offered with the devices and their extensions includes:
- The repair of device failures is caused by any reason, such as failure of the electronic system of the boards and hardware extensions.
- Repair of faults in the communication system.
- Repair faults in the power supply and/or battery system provided that they are not caused by mains power, power surges or other external situations.
- Deterioration of the encapsulation and corrosion of the terminals, not covering problems associated with acts of vandalism that the encapsulation has not been able to avoid despite the security it implies, external situations such as extreme weather conditions (above IK08), natural catastrophes, overloading of the electrical network, exposure to highly corrosive environments, or fire or exposure to fumes (very high level of particles).
- Technical assistance for the installation, maintenance and use of the products by the nature of the products. Technical assistance may have an additional cost to the price.
- The material delivery of the product and, if applicable, the corresponding registration promptly.
In the first instance, the incident will be analysed remotely to define the origin and whether it depends on the pre-installation or power supply provided by the customer. If it depends on factors external to HOPU, the customer will be informed to review the infrastructure.
In the event of the resolution of the incident, it will be solved remotely in the event of any hardware failure that affects the regular operation of the device. If it is not possible to repair by this means, the customer must contact the SAT service to send the device for analysis and repair at the following address: Calle Luis Buñuel 6, C.P.30562, Ceutí. Murcia.
Coverage not Included
HOPU is not responsible for the misuse by the customer of the installed devices. The warranty offered on the device does not cover damage caused by improper use and/or manipulation of the product. In such a case, the customer shall be responsible for repairing it. They are thus excluded from the warranty:
- Damage and/or deterioration of the device caused by external events, accidents, electrical problems, wear and tear and use not by the instructions given by HOPU, as well as when the product has been used beyond its capacity, mistreated, beaten, exposed to humidity or any liquid or corrosive substance, as well as any other fault attributable to the consumer.
- Devices modified or repaired by the customer or any other person not authorised by HOPU.
- Incorrect configuration of the software and/or hardware of the device by the customer.
- The intrusion of computer viruses arising from the customer's management into the devices or additional software.
- When the failure of the device is caused by normal wear and tear of consumable parts and components due to normal use.
- Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters.
- Overloads in the electrical network.
- Fire.
- Exposure to high levels of smoke.
Cancellation of the Warranty
The guarantee offered with the purchase of products may be invalidated for the following reasons:
- Damaged material or material with obvious signs of improper handling will not be accepted. Incorrect use, handling or maintenance by the device's customer will automatically void any existing warranty.
- Tampering with the original data on the invoice or extended warranty document.
- Burnt components due to electrical overvoltage or overcurrent.
- Use of the devices for purposes other than those for which they were initially intended.
- Broken or damaged components are subjected to impact or vandalism.
- Incorrect repair or modification of the components of the device by the customer.
- Deterioration, removal or concealment by the customer of the warranty label on the device.
Repair and Replacement
To request the repair or replacement of the device, the customer must open an incident following the instructions provided in the SAT section. HOPU will provide an incident number and will facilitate the steps to follow to send the device to our facilities.
Upon receipt of the device, HOPU will have a period of 30 calendar days to examine the product and determine whether or not there is a defect. HOPU undertakes to provide the customer with replacement parts within five working days so that the system's operation is not interrupted. The delivery time of these elements to the customer's location shall be subject to the geographical location of the customer and the conditions of the transport company. In the event of a manufacturing defect in the product, HOPU may choose to repair or replace the device, depending on the severity of the defect, and will send it to the customer at the customer's expense. Within the warranty period, the HOPU TAS will remedy any device malfunction due to a manufacturing defect by repairing, replacing parts or making a complete replacement of the device, depending on the specific need of each case after an initial assessment.
If, after examination of the device at the HOPU SAT, it is concluded that there is no manufacturing defect but a defect due to misuse or negligent use of the device, the manufacturing warranty of the device shall be invalidated. HOPU will inform the customer and issue a quotation to repair the device. The customer shall choose between repairing the appliance or receiving it back without repair, the transport costs being borne by the customer in both cases.
Outside the warranty period, the device's repair will be invoiced according to the repair rates established by HOPU. These warranty conditions do not affect the consumer's statutory rights under applicable law.
About the maintenance of the devices offered, the company HOPU covers the following areas of action:
- Access to HOMARD device management platform.
- Software/Firmware updates.
- Protocol version updates.
- Security updates.
- SAT service/customer service via e-mail, telephone and ticket system.
- Service for processing, updating, and continuously improving device data (Data Quality Assessment) using AI and ML algorithms.
Homard is Smart Spot's own IoT device management platform that simplifies the commissioning, configuration process and remote monitoring of devices without specific technical knowledge.
The Homard device management platform has been designed and developed based on the Eclipse Leshan open source project, adding the LwM2M Bootstrap/Server implementation of several interfaces and functionalities to allow managing users, devices or platform integrations, among others.
- Management and monitoring: Provides the ability to read, write and observe the LwM2M resources of the objects. This feature allows modifying the configuration of the devices both in the connection (configure WiFi or APNs, among others) and in the sensor levels (report interval or intrinsic sensor).
- Diagnostics and evaluation: The Homard platform meets the requirements to cope with large-scale deployments. It can perform remote diagnostics by analysing information collected from devices such as memory status, battery, and radio performance or calculated parameters such as QoS (Quality of Service) indicators.
- Control and execution: Homard ensures bi-directional communication between the platform and the device to create a reliable channel for executing actions via actuators or retrieving real-time sensor measurements.
- Service lifecycle management: This capability helps manage various device lifecycle processes, such as device registration, the initial configuration (boot process), device status monitoring or device removal.
- Over-the-air (OTA) firmware update: Provides simplified management of the remote device firmware update process via OMA LwM2M.
- Secure access and isolated environments: The Homard platform guarantees controlled and remote access to devices, ensuring that data generated by devices is not shared or accessible by an unauthorised person.
- Real-time data reporting and storage: Homard incorporates a publish/subscribe system into the platform that allows the latest reported device values to be pushed to third party applications with a simple resource observation. In addition, this data is stored in time-series databases for further processing or visualisation.
- NGSI Integration: Provides full bi-directional integration with FIWARE platforms (Orion Context Broker) through the OMA NGSI specification, which allows mapping device information to multiple data models related to complex data structures cross-platform capabilities.
Generic characteristics of the platform
- Protocols
- UDP mode (U)
- UDP queuing mode for devices on battery (UQ)
- Supported standards
- OMA LwM2M 1.0.0 (OMA SpecWorks Lightweight M2M)
- RFC7252 and RFC7641 for CoAP and subscriptions
- Networks
- Agnostic
- Ethernet
- WiFi
- 2G/3G/4G and NB-IoT (Mobile/cellular networks)
- Agnostic
- Documentation
- Full API documentation
- How-to documents and tutorials describing proper usage
- Deployment
- On-premises cloud (bare metal or virtualised docker)
- On-premise
- Base libraries
- Eclipse Leshan LwM2M implementation Eclipse Leshan server implementation
- Eclipse Californium CoAP implementation
- Eclipse Scandium DTLS implementation
LwM2M server features
- Supported LwM2M interfaces
- LwM2M Bootstrap interface
- LwM2M Client Registration Interface
- LwM2M Device Management Interface
- LwM2M Information Reporting Interface
- LwM2M operations supported by interface
- LwM2M Bootstrap Interface
- Request, End, Write, Delete
- LwM2M client registration interface
- Register, Register-update, Un-register
- LwM2M Device Management Interface
- Read, Write, Execute, Create, Delete, Write attributes, Discover
- LwM2M information reporting interface
- Observe, Report, Cancel Observation
- LwM2M Bootstrap Interface
- LwM2M object support
- OMA and IPSO Alliance objects (OMA SpecWorks)
- Vendor proprietary objects (HOPU, standardised)
- Supported CoAP format data formats
- Plain text
- Opaque
In-Person Review Options Not Included
HOPU is committed to the correct operation of the devices it deploys. For this reason, an administration platform has been developed that allows the status of the devices deployed to be checked online.
A system of on-site reviews is offered, not included in the warranty, to check the device's status in situ. These reviews will be used to check the status of the devices (correct anchoring, positions of the communication antennas or status of the encapsulation), sensors and communications, in all those aspects that can be detected visually. To verify the correct state of the devices, a senior engineer employed by HOPU with experience in deployments and sensor technology will be sent to check all devices one by one.
Disclaimer of Liability
Without prejudice to other disclaimers of liability contained in HOPU's warranty, it shall not apply to non-conformities, defects and/or personal injury resulting from:
- Improper or insufficient maintenance or calibration of components by third parties.
- Software, interfaces or other developments not made by HOPU.
- Operation outside the published environmental specifications for the device supplied.
- Improper storage, site preparation, installation or maintenance.
- Non-conformities and defects proven to have been caused by actions or negligence committed after transporting the same to the customer's premises.
- Non-compliance or malfunction of the devices due to RF usage restrictions or broadcasting restrictions in other countries.
- Specific product certifications are required in other countries.
SAT Service
As a manufacturer, HOPU directly manages the breakdowns/defects/incidents produced in its products to provide a quality after-sales service and reduced resolution times. Likewise, the warranty will act concerning hidden defects and manufacturing defects that may be present in the devices and consumable components by article 1490 of the Civil Code.
- Form to identify the incidents or requirements of your customers, capable of directing them to the corresponding maintenance manager according to the seriousness and type of incident, always ensuring the quality of the data and avoiding the detention of the capture of the monitored parameters to ensure their historical record: Incident form.
- Direct e-mail with customer service: quality@hopu.org (Smart Spot products).
- Telephone: +34 868 923 923 (from 8 to 17:30 Monday to Friday).
Level of Service
In terms of response times to incidents, HOPU undertakes to propose a solution within a certain period, depending on the severity of the alert, including the dispatch of a replacement device, if necessary:
HOPU undertakes to provide the customer with a repaired device or a replacement device within a period not exceeding five working days from the date of receipt of the device at the SAT. The delivery time of the device to the customer's location shall be subject to the customer's geographical location and the carrier's conditions. In addition, HOPU will not assume any responsibility in case of service delay due to force majeure.
The actions for the resolution of incidents that have to be carried out at the location of the devices will be subject to the availability of maintenance technicians and weather conditions.
In those deployments where HOPU has not performed the installation, the work of replacement, installation and uninstallation for maintenance or incidents shall be borne by the customer, and the customer must arrange for the device to be collected by the carrier.
The after-sales communication between the customer and HOPU, as manufacturer and responsible for the maintenance and warranty of the devices offered, may be made through any of the following communication channels enabled for this purpose:
- Level P1 - Urgent / Critical: Incidents that critically affect the overall service (e.g. loss of access to data or system) - 2 days (working days).
- Level P2 - Severe: Incidents that partially affect the overall service (e.g. partial loss of access to data or system) - 3 days (working days)
- Level P3 - Moderate: Incidents that degrade the quality of service but do not lead to global unavailability (e.g. loss of connection to one of the sensors) - 4 working days.
- Level P4 - Minor: Incidents with no immediate effect on the quality of service to ensure proper management of the service (e.g. loss of calibration or planned changes) - 5 working days.

