HOPU participates in the IHIC 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2020


Our CEO Antonio J. Jara has participated in the IHIC 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2020 as an invited speaker where he made a presentation about how our Smart Spot device and industry gas emission monitoring ‘Enabling trust and reliability of IoT-based continuous monitoring by integrating certification via Blockchain’.

The IHCI is the 12th International conference in the Human-Computer Interaction field, where we explore research challenges emerging in the complex interaction between machine intelligence and human intelligence. This is the twelfth event which has a theme on “Intelligent Interaction for Smart Community Services”, having special tracks related to the main theme of the conference.


Industry 4.0 & Blockchain

The complete details of past conferences are available on the conference main website. The IHCI Conference presents the best of current HCI research and practice, emphasizing innovation, and quantified experience. IHCI has emerged as the foremost worldwide gathering of academic researchers, Ph.D. and graduate students, top research think tanks and industry technology developers. The complete details are available on the Conference website.

As member of Blockchers, we are implementing blockchain technology in the Spanish company Lisanplast certifying and protecting the data collected by its air quality monitoring devices for use in Industry 4.0. In this way, the industry can verify real-time control of the area to satisfy the regulations regarding the working environment with certified data and justify critical decisions in the environment.

Continuous monitoring of gases emissions in the plastic injection industry is required by environmental law and occupational therapy. Nowadays eventual campaigns are carried out by certification companies and inspections. However, continuous monitoring to detect alarms, anomalies and total emissions are being required. This use case will introduce DLT to the monitoring process to proof data reliability, monitoring equipment calibration-certificates dates, non-repudiable events and data reporting. Antonio J. Jara

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