The key parts of any Smart City are: citizen participation, smart tourism and monitoring towards sustainability.
Cities are complex systems in which different social and economic aspects intervene. Social changes have brought a transformation in the way of consumption and therefore in the way of organizations relation with public.
The rise of the Internet and more specifically the rise of social networks transformed the way in which relationships with publics are managed. (Manifesto Cluetrain) The market shifted from being one-way to becoming a conversation. A much more educated and informed public, which through ICT has access to infinite contents and knowledge.
Society demands more participative conversations, in which the companies are clear and care about the importance absolute transparency towards the audiences, both internal and external.
Co-creation is revolutionizing the way organizations relate to their audiences. But, how would it run to reach citizens effectively?
It is extremely important that audiences feel heard and understood, and that their contributions do not fall on deaf ears. It is also essential that the collaboration tools are accessible, interesting, fun, dynamic and do not provoke boredom or disinterest of the public.
Within this business there are many companies that develop applications for co-creation or develop programs of citizen participation, but the biggest difficulty is to get really valid data.
It is essential for the survival of any city council to transmit a transparent image and provide an environment open to dialogue.
Most of these companies use data sources of their own creation, with a small part of the population; Others ,to ensure the participation of the public, offer gifts or discounts in exchange for that participation, but are those results really legitimate? To what extent do these answers correspond to the reality of the general needs? Are these answers really justified? All of these questions need to be thoroughly analyzed when implementing citizen participation programs, as these solutions create mutually beneficial ideas that can be used to a great extent. Because in the processes of co-creation the ideas of the public are fed by the organizations; generating a mutual collaboration between the two parties to achieve a more fruitful outcome for all.
Our co-creation tool, Siidi is a dynamic widget that uses new technologies to contextualize information and to invite to participation at the right time and place. Besides that, with the use of this tool the data will not be lost, as they are presented comfortably in a dashboard for its use.
This platform removes existing barriers between the organization and citizens, for example:
- It gets rid of institutional barriers that are rooted in extreme bureaucracy and complex structures, making participants easily accessible and involved in the management of the city.
- Eliminates problems related to the lack of economic and educational resources, everyone with access to a Smart Phone or Tablet can access the platform.
- The psychological barriers are eliminated, giving the citizen confidence in the process and in the measures taken by the organization at the level of local decision-making. Absolute transparency is provided to the process.
- It also eliminates problems related to civil engagement, since participation occurs comfortably from your own device anywhere in the city.
Siidi is fully automated; all the information collected is projected in comfortable graphs or sector diagrams, allowing a simple and reliable analysis. Siidi is managed remotely through a management platform; where you can change information whenever you want, it can be turned on or off, can give general communications, among many other features.