Our efforts are committed to the deployment of Smart Cities for the entire world population, wherever they may be located.
As a innovation Company in Internet of Things (IoT) solution we develop and research full integrated solutions to Smart Cities and industry.
We have focused our efforts on the development of IoT products with ubiquitous connectivity to meet the needs of the human being at a global level, for this reason we created innovative low energy modules with M2M, IoT & LPWAN allow the connection of different platforms and products. We design our own hardware and firmware allow for scalable management that facilitates the implementation of large-scale deployments, maintenance, monitoring and ad-hoc sensors to meet the demand of the market.
Our philosophy is based on integrity; we pamper our products to always offer the quality highest and provide our customers with the best services, creating lasting relationships based on collaboration and mutual trust. We have a strong commitment in the development and innovation in IoT, therefore we have made validations of security and privacy in all our solutions, being totally reliable products, the entire HOPU team works together to solve the problems and challenges that arise. For this reason, we use open APIs that are perfectly integrated in HOPU’s hardware, firmware and software, allowing us to collaborate with leading IT companies such as Fujitsu, Nokia and Microsoft.
There is global iniciative whith conecting cities belonging to OASC, this is a international red that focused their efforts in creating an open smart city marked based on the cities requirements and communities. OASC bet on standards because facilite the interoperability betwenn city and companies, for this reason OASC supports to open platform like FIWARE and oneM2M. We hace developed our Smart Spot; this device has compatibility with other platforms thanks to use of communication protocol OMA LWM2M like to FIWARE and it is compatible with the software oneM2M
We adapt to the requests of each city according to your needs.
We are active partners of the programs Organicity, Synchronicity y SmartSDK, programs that encapsulate Horizon 2020, where we stand as an innovation company to achieve developing applications of technology to improve European competitiveness.
For to improve European competitiveness and developing platform that adapted to current needs we have created Harmony. This is open IoT platform participated in the European project Select4cities with our three solutions for Antwerp, Copenhagen and Helsinki. The aim was build on top of the two major open standards for Smart Cities in the market: FIWARE and oneM2M. We integrate it as follows:
- In Antewerp: We created a specific App for menaging data between platforms, usinf the deployment of a BPM for traffic analysis and for a system of recommendations.
- In Copenhagen: Creation of applications that make use of Harmony data and Copenhagen Open Data Platform to provide a correlation between traffic data and air quality, through the deployment of analysis services.
- In Helsinki: Creation of an application capable of providing permissions on user data, stored on any of the platforms.
All the experience gained in the different projects has led us to develop different IoT platforms and IoT devices for Smart City solutions called Smart Spot. This device is an intelligent solution that uses Physical Web, a communication channel based on Bluetooth Low Energy that send “push” notification to a SmartPhone nearby. The Smart Spot can be management for OMA LWM2M platforms such us Homard, our IoT device management platform.