EduHack: La innovación y la tecnología para la educación

Eduhack es un proyecto ERASMUS+KA2 donde cooperan instituciones educativas y empresas de toda Europa

El objetivo de EduHack es elaborar planes de estudio innovadores a través de métodos educativos novedosos  como hackathones y talleres para escuelas, institutos y centros educativos, y usando el potencial de las TICs.

EduHack tiene como objetivo trabajar con el potencial de la innovación como proceso de co-creación, incorporando esta práctica en el co-diseño de las herramientas para organizar los Hackathones de Innovación Educativa. Esto se logrará mediante el establecimiento de Hubs de Innovación Educativa de múltiples partes interesadas en cada país asociado.

Los Hubs tienen como objetivo reunir la experiencia de los campos educativos locales, los centros de innovación, las universidades, la industria, el gobierno local, la tecnología de la información, las personas y empresas creativas, por nombrar sólo algunos… El trabajo en estos centros incluirá reuniones y talleres locales, además de dos intensos talleres internacionales de corto plazo de aprendizaje mutuo e intercambio. La función de estos es reunir las contribuciones necesarias para diseñar el formato del hackathon. También se explorarán importantes temas cruciales que serán «hackeados» durante cuatro hackathones diferentes que tendrán lugar en diferentes países asociados durante el curso del proyecto. Los Hackathones de Innovación Educativa tienen lugar en LetoniaEstoniaTurquía España y se organizan para probar y mejorar las herramientas, así como para encontrar soluciones a los problemas que se plantean en la educación.

Los hackathones tienen como objetivo alcanzar diferentes perfiles – entusiastas de la tecnología y el diseño, estudiantes, profesionales de la industria, empresas de marketing, trabajadores de museos/guías, desarrolladores de software, etc. Cada hackathon incluirá una junta de mentores que estará formada por expertos en educación además de profesionales de la educación (es decir, profesores, directores).



El mundo está cambiando, ¿por qué no debería hacerlo la educación? Para “hackear” la educación, necesitamos centrarnos en los temas relevantes y trabajar en colaboración para lograr el mejor impacto. EduHack adopta la colaboración radical como paradigma para identificar importantes desafíos y enmarcar el alcance de los Hackathones en un juego en el que todos ganan. Los miembros del Hub son profesionales, practicantes y expertos que provienen de diferentes perspectivas con una amplia variedad de intereses. Participan de forma voluntaria y dirigirán conjuntamente las operaciones del proyecto a nivel nacional, definiendo los alcances, el programa, los requisitos y los criterios de éxito del Hackathon

Miembros del proyecto

  • Centro Científico AHHAA – Coordinador de EduHack, Líder de la tarea de Hackathon Toolkit: AHHAA es el mayor centro de ciencias de Estonia, que se centra en la educación científica práctica, el aprendizaje lúdico y las exposiciones interactivas.

  • Hugin & Munin – Gestión de la comunicación EduHack:  H&M es una agencia de comunicación creativa con sede en Madrid, España, formada por un equipo multidisciplinar especializado en soluciones audaces y atrevidas.

  • Universidad de la ciudad de Dublín – Organizador del evento de difusión:  DCU, con sede en Irlanda, se ha colocado entre las 50 mejores universidades jóvenes del mundo. A las actividades de EduHack se une el departamento de Educación, Innovación y Estudios Globales de la Escuela STEM de la DCU.

  • Tekkeköy MEM – Líder de la tarea de monitoreo de EduHack: Tekkeköy MEM es un coordinador nacional de educación provincial en Turquía, responsable de la ejecución de todas las actividades educativas, incluida la educación formal e informal en la región de Tekkeköy.

  • Centro Científico ZINOO – Líder de la tarea de creación del Hackathon piloto: ZINOO es un centro científico en Letonia con la misión de despertar la curiosidad de las personas y animarlas a descubrir cosas por sí mismas.

  • Ergon – Coordinador del hub de innovación educativa de EduHack: Ergon es un proveedor privado de educación y capacitación profesional en Italia, que realiza 60 mil horas de capacitación por año. Ergon se especializa en la creación de redes de negocios, asociaciones entre el sector público, privado y ciudadanos, y herramientas y diseño participativo.


HOPU en EduHack

HOPU es el responsable de lanzar y gestionar la plataforma online del proyecto. HOPU tiene una larga experiencia de trabajo en proyectos internacionales enfocados a crear canales de comunicación ágiles, serious games y contenidos de nuevos medios que hagan evolucionar la participación ciudadana con el uso de diferentes dispositivos y herramientas. HOPU ha desarrollado diferentes soluciones, basadas en las necesidades de los ciudadanos y visitantes. El equipo de HOPU incluye expertos en comunicación y creatividad, así como especialistas en el desarrollo de software y hardware. Todos los demás socios participan activamente en la acción también (dando aportaciones y sugerencias sobre el aspecto visual y la funcionalidad).

A fin de asegurar la continuación de los esfuerzos realizados durante el proyecto es necesaria una plataforma en línea. La idea no es construir sólo un sitio web, sino proporcionar una herramienta más sostenible, fácil de usar e interactiva que ofrezca la posibilidad de colaborar y que tenga más oportunidades que un sitio web normal. La plataforma en línea en sí misma tiene por objeto ser la principal fuente de información sobre el proyecto, las directrices para organizar una maratón de hackers, todos los resultados de las maratones de hackers, así como ser el instrumento de colaboración a nivel internacional.

La plataforma también da la oportunidad de monitorizar el proceso de organización de hackathones en todo el mundo y crear conexiones entre ellos. Esta herramienta no sólo proporciona apoyo sobre cómo crear actividades educativas y organizar un hackathon, también dará acceso a varios productos/servicios (toolkits) que han sido creados durante este proyecto. Esto significa que si durante un hackathon educativo que tuvo lugar en Estonia un servicio o producto se desarrolla todos los miembros de la red pueden probar el producto,servicio o idea en su país también. La cooperación a través de la plataforma se basa en el interés mutuo.

Para más información sobre el proyecto:

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ODALA: a new initiative of the European Commission to promote Artificial Intelligence and Big Data




ODALA is an initiative that aims to promote the use of Big Data to facilitate and speed up decision-making in public administrations. This initiative has a social focus and is designed to help the use of Smart Cities technology simply and practically. In this way, ODALA seeks to facilitate the implementation of data-based tools in European public administrations.

This initiative is contextualized within the framework of Smart Cities, a sector in a continuous process of innovation and growth, which is focusing on the use of data as a source of knowledge for citizens, which allows them to improve their quality of life and anticipate future challenges.

Odala is an initiative promoted by town halls, companies and organizations of the European Union as a strategic project to improve data management in cities. Its mission is to create a large data market formed by a data lake, which will serve as an open-source of information, where any administration will be able to dump its data sources on air quality, public transport management, smart parking, statistics, local economy, among others.

With this horizon, the ODALA project “Collaborative, Secure, and Replicable Open Source Data Lakes for Smart Cities” was born, co-financed by the European Commission with a budget of 2,3 million euros until 2022.



The strategic objective of the ODALA project is to improve data management in cities, taking advantage of open source technologies and digital transformation for the benefit of people and local public administration, creating an interconnectable data lake within the European Union, that will serve to create better public services and improve the urban quality of cities based on evidence.

“ODALA will allow public administration, companies and universities to connect various data sources, both historical and in real-time, to join forces, thus improving urban health and development opportunities.” Andrea Gómez, CMO of HOPU

The European Union’s Digital Services Infrastructure (DSI) ‘Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Building Blocks’ will be used to connect these data lakes, a tool developed by the European Commission to enhance the EU’s single digital market, providing infrastructure and cross-border digital services.

For the creation of this extensive Data Lake, entities and organizations will be able to share their data safely and reliably through the CEF Context Broker, essential to establish this European space with open standards (NGSI-LD).



The ODALA project brings together a total of 15 partners from Belgium, Germany, Finland, France and Spain such as the cities of Heidelberg (Germany), Saint-Quentin (France), companies as Sirus (Belgium), Contrasec (Finland) and organizations such as the FIWARE Foundation (Germany), among others. Spanish participation in the project is represented by HOPU and the Town of Cartagena, both from the Region of Murcia, thus contributing the experience carried out in the development of the potential of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Big Data to contribute to the urban environment and bring cities to their smartest version.

FIWARE’s participation in ODALA as an open-source platform is essential to guarantee that the data model is accessible and standardized, integrable in the management of Smart Cities.



The collaboration of HOPU and the Cartagena City Council towards a Smart City model based on FIWARE technology has promoted Spanish participation in the ODALA project. HOPU recently received the Le Monde 2020 Urban Innovation Award thanks to the work of implementing a technology that allows the collection of a multitude of high-precision data on the environment, such as emissions of gases, particles, heat islands, influx of people, etc. for sustainable management of the municipality. These data allow us to develop a complete picture of the challenges of the city of Cartagena and help urban planners to make informed decisions.

“The launch of ODALA will allow municipalities and international organizations not only to share their data securely but also to gain benefits from the digital transformation that will mean having access to the resulting Big Data of the project. This fact will favour local competitiveness and economy, people’s quality of life and will stimulate the creation of new market niches” Antonio Jara, CEO of HOPU.

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Smart Region, a regional initiative for Murcia’s Smart Cities

The Smart Region project is the roadmap for the region’s smart territories.

Smart Region project

This initiative of the Region of Murcia will make available to all municipalities in the region (45 in total) the possibility of evolving towards a Smart City with developments and solutions of the last generation. This project seeks to use the new technologies (ICTs) for public administrations & citizens to facilitate the understanding and management of the city, and to evolve towards the objectives of the European Green Pact, which seeks to transform Europe into a global reference against climate change.

The first step of this project is based on a platform at the regional level of Smart City in which 2 million euros will be dedicated between 2020 and 2021. This platform will act as the basis for the Smart Region and will be global, allowing this process to be carried out in all territories regardless of their size. In this way, the management team of the region pretends to create Smart City opportunities equally throughout the region.

Smart Region will create to create Disruptive Technology Demonstration Centers to show projects related to Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and Big Data to place the Region at the forefront of the digital transformation.

Javier Celdrán, president of the Regional Ministry of Presidency and Finance, highlights the priority to collect information from our cities. This action will be included within this Smart Region project allowing municipalities to access other new funding such as the Innovation Fund, from the European Green Pact. These funds, aimed at combating climate change, require an initial environmental diagnosis of the territory and compliance with the KPIs proposed through the subsidised initiatives to receive 100% of the requested funds. Therefore, Smart Region also seeks to provide its municipalities with the necessary infrastructure to be able to know the state of the territory, to be able to define some concrete actions to be carried out, based on data and to be able to evaluate the impact of these actions through IoT infrastructures and thanks to the Big Data.

Smart Region: Monitorización de datos de calidad
Smart Region: Monitoring of high-quality data for European Initiatives such as Green Deal, Innovation Fund, ERDF and Next Generation

Smart Region Conference “The Future of Intelligent Territories”

As one of the first actions to raise awareness in the Region of Murcia and to disseminate the possibilities within this project, the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, together with the Integra Foundation, has organised a conference called The Future of the Intelligent Territories. These sessions have been promoted by the Directorate of Economy and Finance and by the ERDF funds. During October, November and December, these sessions discussed topics related to mobility, tourism, intelligent beaches (Smart Beach), intelligent lighting, waste management, social welfare and different success stories of Smart solutions.

Sesiones Smart Region
Sesiones Smart Region: HOPU pitch for the 5 sessions about success stories


On December 1st, in the session focused on the success stories of Smart solutions, a more realistic view of solutions already on the market was shown. Francisco Abril, General Director of Local Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, opened this online event by highlighting the role of companies in the Region of Murcia that is dedicated to this sector of the Smart Cities to place Murcia as a technological reference on the map. In the same way, the Director-General urges companies to evangelize citizens and administrations so that they know that not only smart cities are for big cities, but also small municipalities must start their way towards this evolution. 

Francisco Abril has highlighted initiatives such as “5K”, a project where eight municipalities under 5,000 inhabitants (Villanueva, Ricote, Ulea, Ojós, Albudeite, Campos del Río and Aledo) are going to become a testbed for smart solutions to promote other municipalities in the region to take this technological step.

During the case study session, different solutions of all kinds were presented by companies such as Neosistec, HOPU, IURBAN, A4RADAR, NEUROMOBILE MARKETING.

From HOPU, we have highlighted our role as a company focused on the monitoring and visualization of environmental data, to contribute to the sustainable urban design of the territories and our aim to develop solutions designed for easy management and understanding of the data by the different administrations. 

Antonio Jara, CEO of HOPU, highlights the territorial expansion of this SME, which is already working in more than 35 cities throughout Spain such as Cartagena, Madrid, Algeciras and at a European level, with more than 500 sensors deployed. HOPU’s mission is to help municipalities combat climate change. As a company involved in research, HOPU has a strong presence in European initiatives such as the Green Deal or Next Generation (NEXT CARM in the Region of Murcia).

Based on his experience in the Smart Cities market, the CEO of HOPU highlights the importance of metrics that allow municipalities to transform all data coming from sensors, databases and other sources into clear indicators of the environmental situation of the territory. An example of this use case is the indicator service that HOPU has already deployed in cities such as Cartagena, which makes it possible to identify where a city’s pollution comes from and to differentiate the percentage produced by traffic and by industry.


Finally, from HOPU, the catalogue of sensor services for air quality (gases and particles in suspension), noise, climate and other aspects related to tourism such as noise and flow of people has been exhibited. As a FIWARE company and from the role of Antonio Jara as a Member of the FIWARE Board of Directors, the use of this available technology has also been promoted, which is accessible and affordable for all municipality.

The event was closed by Joaquín Gómez Gómez, General Director of Strategy and Digital Transformation, who highlighted this last session based on innovative solutions in the region. He underlines that in this Smart Region project, they intend to promote first regional companies when implementing Smart City projects. In the early months of 2021, the platform of the project will be tendering, and they are working on other projects to make the Smart City more dynamic, some of which have already been started, such as La Manga 365 as another global solution for various municipalities (San Javier and Cartagena).  

As a novelty, the Director-General mentions a new line of financing that will come to light during the first four months of 2021, which will allow the different municipalities in the region to acquire technology and integrate it into the Smart Region platform.


Access to the pitch of Antonio Jara, CEO at HOPU on 5 session about success stories


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International Fair of Smart Destinations FIDI2020

At the end of November, the first International Fair of Smart Destinations (FIDI) was held, organized by the Cities of the Future Institute, the National Technological University of Buenos Aires and in collaboration with the State Mercantile Society for the Management of Innovation and Tourist Technologies SEGITTUR, dependent on the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. During the 10 days of the fair, more than 200 speakers participated in seminars, conferences, exhibitions and workshops where more than 20,000 online visitors from the entire Smart Cities sector.

HOPU CEO Antonio J. Jara participated on Friday, November 27, in FIWARE AMERICA DAY where he presented the case of success under FIWARE technology in Smart Cities that we have developed in cities such as Madrid, Cartagena, Ceutí, La Palma, Onda, Berenguer , Helsinki (Finland) and Mechelen (Belgium), among others.


The HOPU solution exploits FIWARE to the maximum where we contextualize city data such as air quality, mobility, influx and movement of people, noise and others where we create a global vision of the urban health of the city thanks to Intelligence Artificial algorithms and Big Data management.

“We are a company whose mission is to help urban authorities and cities to use the FIWARE platform to understand better what is happening in their city and to help them make decisions through data and evidence, while technology is and more usable by people. We are specialized in the integration of air quality sensors, gases, particles, pollens, sonometry and the influx of people.” Antonio J. Jara


During FIDI2020, real experiences of Smart Tourist Destinations participated and how introducing innovative elements are serving to bet on inclusive sustainable tourism with the city and the natural environment, and improve the quality of life of local residents.

The DTIs aim to integrate tourism with the daily life of the city in such a way that it does not have a negative impact on the natural environment or the residents. Attracting new businesses, responding to the needs of visitors and contributing to the local wealth and economy.

Data visualization of HOPU
Data visualization of HOPU


Among the services offered by HOPU we can find consulting and advising to the administration and companies to detect the needs and challenges they face and that can be solved through the use of new technologies.

We are currently developing the Smart City Master Plan for municipalities such as Las Torres de Cotillas and San Javier, both in the Region of Murcia (Spain). San Javier, as a coastal town on the shores of the Mar Menor, is a highly valued tourist attraction for those seeking pleasant temperatures throughout the year, as well as important musical and cultural events.

Therefore, the development of San Javier as an Smart Tourist Destination is an opportunity to consolidate tourism beyond the summer months, extending the season to 12 months of the year with actions such as a centralized agenda of the different cultural events, a network of webcams that broadcasts the coast of the Mar Menor 24/7 and a WiFi zone on beaches, as well as actions such as promoting existing cultural and tourist resources.

“A Smart City is a sustainable city that allows the residents to have all the benefits of a city but without the associated problems such as pollution, traffic jams, noise, high density of people, etc. A Smart City is one that does not discriminate, offers equality and helps to optimize time and resources” Antonio J. Jara


Through our IoT FIWARE ready Smart Spot devices we can offer municipalities detailed information in real time such as AQi to inform visitors and locals of the values ​​of gases and PM particles in the air. These data can contribute to detecting gas emission sources to help make decisions that lead to their mitigation, as well as to value the good air quality of the municipality in its case.

Smart Spot extensions
Smart Spot extensions


Using class 2 sound level meters, it will be possible to create a map of the noise in the city to detect the areas with the greatest noise pollution caused by traffic, port activity, leisure areas, events and others that may cause annoyances in the daily life of the city.

The flow of people sensor is a useful tool to know the movements and detect crowds in advance. Through its installation in commercial areas and tourist elements, we can know the number of visitors and the average time of their visit. This information is very useful to know the most visited areas of the city in such a way that decisions can be made such as improving traffic, the need to create tourist attractions in other areas to relieve pressure, etc.

In addition, the Smart Spot can incorporate a Weather Station that offers values ​​such as temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, rainfall, evapotranspiration and weather forecast among other values, offering extensive, detailed and local information on the weather in the city.

All these resources unified in a single device allow the administration to know what is happening in their city in real time, offering local values ​​that help them make decisions based on evidence and anticipate possible challenges and problems, thus improving the competitiveness of the municipality giving the necessary passes to move towards a resilient city for the benefit of its citizens.

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Blockchain y cambio climático

Blockchain against climate change

Blockchain also contributes to the European project for an emission-neutral continent by 2050 (EU Green Deal)

European objectives for 2025: The Green Deal

In 2019 the European Commission published the Green Deal, presented by Ursula Von Der Leyen as President. This plan lists 50 concrete actions to combat climate change, a highly relevant objective in the European strategy to achieve a neutral continent by 2050. This pact, known as the “EU Green Deal“, seeks a clean economy with zero emissions and the protection of our natural habitat, thereby contributing to an improvement in public well-being, a business awareness of the environment and making Europe a reference point for action against climate change. 

To achieve this goal, Europe proposes to work on clean energy, sustainable industry, efficient renovation and construction, sustainable mobility, biodiversity, pesticide reduction and an end to pollution. On 27 November 2020, was highlighted the Green Deal for the next five years, and the European Commission presented the six main objectives for this period:

  • Combating climate change to become the first neutral continent
  • An economy that works for people and works to implement social projects and is a boost to prosperity
  • A Europe for the digital age, empowering people and boosting technologies
  • Promoting a European way of life and building an EU of equal opportunities
  • A stronger Europe in the world that is a global leader
  • A boost to democracy, protecting and strengthening it

Blockchain, one of the new players in the fight against climate change

Faced with this situation and these objectives, which involve reducing CO2 emissions by 50% by 2030, the European Commission has estimated that it must invest an additional 230 billion of euros per year and promote public-private partnerships. 

To achieve this objective, Europe must promote innovation and research in the territories, in the business fabric and in industries, which will make it possible to reduce emissions, the risk of natural disasters and the impact of pollution on public health. One of the latest ITU/UN reports details how cutting-edge technologies such as climate monitoring, air quality and water resources, Artificial Intelligence and the Blockchain can contribute to this process of fighting climate change. 

In this report, called “Frontier Technologies to Protect the Environment and Tackle Climate Change“, the ITU sets up a working group focusing on environmental efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies (FG-AI4EE) to study technology standardisation needs to contribute to these goals. This report recognises how Blockchain technology has been one of the great forgotten technologies to date in the fight against climate change and how it can play a crucial role in it through optimised use of resources and innovation, to contribute to this improvement process.

Blockchain is often associated with cryptosystems such as bitcoin, but this innovative technology has much more potential than bitcoin. Its origins date back to 1991 when Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta carried out the first process based on cryptographically protected blockchains. Its media popularity, however, began in 2008, when bitcoin was in the social spotlight, and today its use is mainly based on protecting and securely certifying data traffic, fighting against forgery and data protection. 

This technology focuses on the decentralisation of information from any process, such as banking management or data monitoring from IoT devices. The blockchain is a way of structuring the data, grouping them in blocks or sets adding meta-information related to other previous blocks in the process timeline. In each block it is stored:

  • Number of records in the block and related transactions
  • Information concerning this block
  • Link to the previous and next block
  • A fingerprint of the block

Through cryptographic techniques, these blocks are encrypted and form an encrypted chain of information, and it only can be altered by modifying all the blocks. 

The PwC in “Time for Trust: The trillion-dollar reasons to rethink blockchain” predicted that the blockchain has great potential to grow world GDP by 1.76 trillion dollars in 2030.

3 Blockchain projects to combat climate change

HOPU: This Spanish SME, dedicated to the monitoring and display of air quality data through IoT devices, is implementing the use of the blockchain for the certification of data quality and the protection of measurements in the different monitored environments. In particular, HOPU is implementing the blockchain for air quality monitoring in industry, where exists strict restrictions to protect workers’ health and the air quality of the areas surrounding these factories. The funds of this solution are through the Blockchers program, a project to promote the use of DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies) in European SMEs. HOPU is already running its first pilot in the industry, in the Lisanplast plastics factory, which aims to ensure that the working environment is suitable for employees and to reduce the impact of this company on the ground, under the European Green Deal. HOPU is using the Besu Alastria B, which is regulated and compatible with the European network. Through this network, HOPU verifies compliance with regulations in the workspace, provides a calculation of total emissions and all this in an accessible and intuitive interface to access data in real-time and in historical data. 

PlanetWatch:  This French startup is developing a blockchain system to monitor air quality by taking advantage of the potential of communities. According to this SME, efforts to monitor air quality are not sufficient to date and encourage citizens to participate in this process. This project seeks to encourage people to purchase low-cost air quality sensors, install them in their homes, workplaces or even take them with them and record the data in a blockchain. Through this network, Planet Watch will make the open data available to scientists and governments so that they can combat climate change and will reward users for helping in this process. When a user acquires one of its low-cost devices and activates it to monitor data, it acquires Planet Tokens, utility tokens issued in the Algorand blockchain.  These tokens can be exchanged for Earth Credits, which are translated into euros and allow the purchase of new products and services on Planet Watch.

Smart Playground. Safe Environment for Togliatti: This Russian city of more than 700,000 inhabitants has great industrial relevance and therefore requires a relevant environmental control. Togliatti has set up an environmental monitoring network, installed in playgrounds and children’s games as the new generations are a crucial sector to protect in this process. This project has been carried out by the company Airalab using Libelium sensors. In this project, the chain of blocks has been used with the aim of a safe, verified and unalterable storage of the data collected, seeking to ensure that the authorities and citizens receive objective and transparent information, which shows the environmental state of the territory. On the other hand, this project uses the blockchain for its marketplace, which allows anyone to acquire data without intermediation. All you have to do is send a request for information through the available Smart City platform, and an intelligent contract is automatically generated for the specific sensor to carry out the requested measurement and provide the data with its corresponding quality certificate.



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Blockchain y cambio climático

El blockchain contra el cambio climático

Blockchain también contribuye en el proyecto Europeo para un continente neutro en emisiones para 2050 (EU Green Deal)

Objetivos Europeos para 2025: El Pacto Verde

En 2019 se publicaba por la Comisión Europea el Pacto Verde, presentado por Ursula Von Der Leyen como presidenta. Este plan enumera 50 acciones concretas para combatir el cambio climático, un objetivo de gran relevancia en la estrategia europea para conseguir un continente neutro en el año 2050. Este pacto, conocido como “EU Green Deal” busca una economía limpia, con cero emisiones y proteger nuestro hábitat natural, contribuyendo con ello a una mejora en el bienestar público, una conciencia empresarial con el medio ambiente y que Europa se transforme en un referente en la acción contra el cambio climático.

Para conseguir el cumplimiento de este objetivo, Europa propone trabajar en una energía limpia, industria sostenible, renovación y construcción eficiente, movilidad sostenible, biodiversidad, reducción de los pesticidas y el fin de la contaminación. Este 27 de noviembre de 2020 se subrayaba esta iniciativa para los próximos 5 años presentándose ante la comisión europea las 6 prioridades que deben abarcar este periodo:

  • Lucha contra el cambio climático con el objetivo de ser el primer continente neutro
  • Una economía que trabaje para las personas y funcione para poner en marcha proyectos sociales y sea un impulso para la prosperidad
  • Una Europa para la era digital, que empodere a las personas e impulse las tecnologías
  • Promover un modo de vida europeo y construir una UE con igualdad de oportunidades
  • Una Europa más fuerte en el mundo que sea un líder global
  • Un impulso a la democracia, protegiéndola y fortaleciéndola

Blockchain, uno de los nuevos protagonistas para combatir el cambio climático

Frente a esta situación y a estos objetivos, que suponen rebajar las emisiones de CO2 en un 50% para 2030, la comisión europea ha calculado que debe invertir 230.000 millones de euros anuales adicionales y promover una colaboración del sector público y privado.

Para abarcar este objetivo, Europa debe potenciar la innovación y la investigación en los territorios, en el tejido empresarial y en las industrias, que permitan reducir las emisiones, el riesgo de desastres naturales y el impacto de la contaminación en la salud pública. Uno de los últimos informes de la ITU/ONU detalla cómo las tecnologías de vanguardia como la monitorización del clima, la calidad del aire y los recursos hídricos, Inteligencia Artificial y el Blockchain pueden contribuir en este proceso de batalla contra el cambio climático.

En este informe, llamado Frontier Technologies to Protect the Environment and Tackle Climate Change la ITU crea un grupo de trabajo enfocado en la eficiencia medioambiental para la Inteligencia Artificial y otras tecnologías emergentes (FG-AI4EE) dedicada al estudio de necesidades de normalización de tecnologías para contribuir a estos objetivos. En este informe se reconoce como la tecnología Blockchain ha sido una de las grandes olvidadas hasta la fecha en el camino hacia la lucha contra el cambio climático y cómo esta puede tener un papel clave en él a través de un uso optimizado en cuanto a uso de recursos e innovador, para aportar en este proceso de mejora.

El blockchain se suele asociar con criptomonedas como el bitcoin pero esta tecnología innovadora tiene mucho más potencial que este. Sus orígenes se sitúan en 1991  cuando se realizó el primer proceso basado en cadenas de bloques protegidos criptográficamente por Stuart Haber y W. Scott Stornetta. Su popularidad mediática en cambio empezó en 2008, cuando las criptomonedas estaban en el punto de mira social y actualmente su utilización se basa principalmente para proteger y certificar tránsito de datos de manera oficial y segura, luchando contra la falsificación y la protección de datos.

Esta tecnología se centra en la descentralización de la información de cualquier proceso como puede ser una gestión bancaria o bien una monitorización de datos de dispositivos IoT. El blockchain es una forma de estructurar los datos, agrupándolos en bloques o conjuntos a los que se les añaden metainformaciones relacionadas con otros bloques anteriores en línea temporal relacionados del proceso. En cada bloque se almacena:

  • Cantidad de registros en el bloque y transacciones relacionadas
  • Información referente a ese bloque
  • Vinculación con el bloque anterior y el siguiente
  • Una huella digital del bloque

A través de técnicas criptográficas, estos bloques se cifran y forman una cadena cifrada de información y solo podrían ser alterados modificando todos los bloques.

Se pronostica que el blockchain dispone de un gran potencial para hacer crecer el PIB mundial en 1,76 billones de dólares en 2030 según “Time for Trust: The trillion-dolar reasons to rethink blockchain, documento de PwC dedicado a esta tecnología.

3 proyectos de Blockchain para combatir el cambio climático

HOPU: Desde esta PYME española, dedicada a la monitorización y visualización de datos de calidad del aire a través de dispositivos IoT, se está implantando el uso del blockchain para la certificación de la calidad de los datos  y la protección de las medidas en los diferentes entornos monitorizados. En concreto, HOPU está implantando el blockchain para la monitorización de la calidad del aire en industria, donde deben cumplirse estrictas regulaciones que protejan la salud de los trabajadores y la calidad del aire de las zonas colindantes a estas fábricas. Gracias a la Blockchers, un proyecto que trabaja promocionando el uso de tecnologías DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies) en PYMES europeas, HOPU está ya ejecutando su primer piloto en industria, en la fábrica de plásticos Lisanplast, que busca garantizar que el entorno de trabajo sea apto para los empleados y así como reducir el impacto de esta empresa en el entorno, de acuerdo con el Pacto Verde Europeo. HOPU está utilizando la red B Besu Alastria, regulada y compatible con la red europea. De este modo, se verifica el cumplimiento de normativas en el espacio de trabajo, se ofrece un cálculo de las emisiones totales y todo ello en una interfaz accesible e intuitiva para acceder a los datos en tiempo real y en histórico.

PlanetWatch Esta startup francesa está desarrollando un sistema blockchain para monitorizar la calidad del aire aprovechando el potencial de las comunidades. Según afirma esta PYME, los esfuerzos en monitorizar la calidad del aire no son suficientes hasta la fecha e incitan a los ciudadanos a ser partícipes en este proceso. Este proyecto se basa en incentivar a las personas a adquirir sensores de calidad del aire de bajo coste, instalarlos en sus hogares, sitios de trabajo o incluso llevarlos consigo y registrar los datos en una cadena blockchain. A través de esta red, PlanetWatch pondrá los datos abiertos a disposición de científicos y gobiernos para que puedan combatir el cambio climático y premiará a los usuarios por ayudar en este proceso. Cuando un usuario adquiere uno de sus dispositivos de bajo coste y lo activa para monitorizar datos adquiere Planet Tokens, fichas de utilidad emitidas en la cadena de bloque de Algorand.  Estos tokens pueden canjearse por Earth Credits, que se traducen a euros y permiten adquirir nuevos productos y servicios en Planet Watch.

“Patio Inteligente. Medioambiente seguro”, proyecto para Toliatti: Esta ciudad rusa de más de 700.000 habitantes tiene una gran relevancia industrial y por lo tanto requiere un gran control medioambiental. Toliatti ha implantado una red de monitorización medioambiental, instalados en zonas de recreo y juegos infantiles ya que las nuevas generaciones son un sector clave a proteger en este proceso. Este proyecto ha sido realizado por la empresa Airalab utilizando los sensores de Libelium. En este proyecto, la cadena de bloques se ha utilizado con el objetivo de un almacenamiento de los datos recogidos seguro, verificado y que no puede alterarse, buscando garantizar que las autoridades y los ciudadanos reciban una información objetiva y transparente, que realmente muestra el estado medioambiental del territorio. Por otro lado, este proyecto usa el blockchain para su marketplace, que permite a cualquier persona adquirir datos sin intermediación. Solo hay que enviar una solicitud de información a través de la plataforma de Smart City disponible y automáticamente se genera un contrato inteligente para que el sensor concreto lleve a cabo la medición solicitada y le facilite los datos con su correspondiente certificado de calidad.


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HOPU participates in the IHIC 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2020


Our CEO Antonio J. Jara has participated in the IHIC 12th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 2020 as an invited speaker where he made a presentation about how our Smart Spot device and industry gas emission monitoring ‘Enabling trust and reliability of IoT-based continuous monitoring by integrating certification via Blockchain’.

The IHCI is the 12th International conference in the Human-Computer Interaction field, where we explore research challenges emerging in the complex interaction between machine intelligence and human intelligence. This is the twelfth event which has a theme on “Intelligent Interaction for Smart Community Services”, having special tracks related to the main theme of the conference.


Industry 4.0 & Blockchain

The complete details of past conferences are available on the conference main website. The IHCI Conference presents the best of current HCI research and practice, emphasizing innovation, and quantified experience. IHCI has emerged as the foremost worldwide gathering of academic researchers, Ph.D. and graduate students, top research think tanks and industry technology developers. The complete details are available on the Conference website.

As member of Blockchers, we are implementing blockchain technology in the Spanish company Lisanplast certifying and protecting the data collected by its air quality monitoring devices for use in Industry 4.0. In this way, the industry can verify real-time control of the area to satisfy the regulations regarding the working environment with certified data and justify critical decisions in the environment.

Continuous monitoring of gases emissions in the plastic injection industry is required by environmental law and occupational therapy. Nowadays eventual campaigns are carried out by certification companies and inspections. However, continuous monitoring to detect alarms, anomalies and total emissions are being required. This use case will introduce DLT to the monitoring process to proof data reliability, monitoring equipment calibration-certificates dates, non-repudiable events and data reporting. Antonio J. Jara

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The technology of Smart Cities, allies against Climate Change

Smart City Expo World Congress

On 17th and 18th of November, the “Smart City Expo World Congress” event is being held, instead of being at the Fira de Barcelona, this congress is an online format due to COVID-19 restrictions. Experts in new technologies from all over the world are participating in round-tables and presentations where it is being shown how the implementation of Smart Cities is contributing to the improvement of our community, from the educational field, the management of water resources, improving urban transport and especially in the monitoring of Air Quality to have tools to identify the main sources of pollution and make decisions to solve environmental pollution issues.

IoT Smart Spot, devices as allies against Climate Change

HOPU, as a company specialized in the design of innovative urban solutions through the latest technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and data quality, has extensive experience in the development of solutions for the administration to know in real time data related to air quality such as gases (CO, O3, NO2, SO2), PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 particles, noise and meteorological values ​​such as temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, weather forecast, among others.

Our IoT Smart Spot devices are an ally of the administration to fight against Climate Change since it allows to unify in a single device all sensors, customizing their configuration according to specific needs, saving costs and allowing the city to obtain accurate data of the location of the sensor as the overall AQi state of the city.

Smart Spot en Cartagena
Smart Spot device installed in the Port of Cartagena

Smart Spot devices also include sensors and tools that are very useful in Smart City projects, such as monitoring the influx of people in real time through BLE technology, being able to anticipate crowds and obtain data of visits to tourist areas, shopping streets, etc.

Our solution is based on open source software that allows direct integration into Smart platforms such as FIWARE and SENTILO, uniting all verticals in a single management and visualization tool, making it easier for those responsible to obtain a global vision of the city’s Smart project.

Visualization tool: know the state of the city at a glance

Through our visualization tool, the values ​​of gases, PM particles, noise, meteorological and influx of people are shown on a single screen to obtain a complete view of the city, being able to also know the values ​​corresponding to a specific sensor by its location on map.

This visualization service is already offered in municipalities such as Cartagena, La Palma, Mechelen and Helsinki, among others where the population knows in real time factors such as exposure to PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 particles, pollen concentrations, NO2, CO, O3, SO2… and noise levels, among others. Thanks to a traffic light viewer, the population has a tool with which they can easily know, through graphics, the air quality of their municipality as a whole.

The AQi data visualization platform is customizable to consult both through a web page, mobile application, information screens of the city, notifications through telegram and / or whatsapp… facilitating its consultation to the population regardless of their level of use of new technologies.


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i3market kickoff meeting

i3-MARKET: a secure and reliable marketplace to boost the data economy industry

Security and reliability in the data economy industry

Despite several attempts at research and innovation in the field of Big Data management and the integration and security of personal and industrial data, there is no widely accepted reliable and secure data marketplaces.

In this area there is, therefore, growing demand for a single data market economy in Europe, to be addressed through innovation in marketplace platforms, with the aim of demonstrating with industrial implementations that the growth of the data economy is possible.



i3-Market marketplace design

Design of the i3-MARKET backplane

In this context, the i3-MARKET project arises as a solution capable of providing secure and reliable technologies, data-based collaborations and a federation of existing and future marketplaces, paying special attention to industrial data and, in particular, to the sensitive commercial data assets of both SMEs and large industrial corporations. The project, framed within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation and research programme, focuses on achieving the desired levels of privacy and confidentiality in marketplace platforms, supporting both legal and control and transparency aspects for data sharing between systems and services. This will be made possible through the creation of a decentralised, interoperable and trusted data backplane, which will allow the integration of multiple marketplaces for secure and privacy-preserving data exchange across data spaces. i3-MARKET, therefore, puts a special focus on the regulatory aspects around sensitive data assets by developing the necessary security and access control measures that enable secure data trading, including support for automated procurement (smart contracts including the legal framework required under European regulation) and real-time data exchange.


A federation of data marketplaces as the main objective

i3-MARKET will enable the development of the necessary elements to create a secure and reliable environment for both data providers and consumers, and thus encourage and enable the creation of a more reliable European data market economy

The aim of i3-MARKET is to enable a federation of data marketplaces and common objectives as key elements in adopting the European Commission’s latest Digital Single Market strategy, encouraging the market economy of industrial data.

To this end, i3-MARKET is being developed on technologies and solutions that consolidate a trustworthy, secure, self-governing, consensus-based and auditable, interoperable (semantic-driven) and decentralised (allowing scalability) infrastructure, called the i3-MARKET Software Framework or “i3-MARKET Backplane”, which enables the federation of existing and future data spaces and markets through interoperability. i3-MARKET’s data backplane includes the ability to monetise data in the form of Intelligent Data Economy services, to deliver and share data and to reduce market entry barriers for providers to trade their data assets in order to ignite a thriving data economy that fosters innovation and business in Europe.

Contributions to strengthen competitiveness and confidence in data markets

In the global digital society, the loss of trust and reliability in data can be a major impediment to business. Data marketplaces, where success is largely due to consumers’ confidence that they will get what they are paying for. This is a reputation model based on trust, which requires a lot of time but allows large current suppliers to be placed at a clear competitive advantage.

At i3-MARKET, the use of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), as a blockchain, will allow all payments and contracts made in the data marketplace to be reliably and immutably audited and verified. This, together with the execution of intelligent contracts, will allow consumers and suppliers to have confidence in the i3-MARKET.

HOPU participates as an expert in IoT systems

As part of the consortium, HOPU is focused on the integration and use of intelligent data services in a marketplace driven by adding value in data-driven services. For this reason, i3-MARKET will enable the demonstration of innovative use cases based on the federation of data assets from multiple sources ranging from manufacturing, automotive and human-centric computing to connected devices, etc.

The inclusion of a high level of confidence and security in intelligent data services and the demonstration of the value of data-based services will allow entry into a more scalable market, beyond the current IoT market, with contextual data integration. HOPU will exploit the results of the project to understand how to deliver solutions based on the data captured from the environment to determine a correlation with the actions taken in the environment.

An international multidisciplinary consortium

The i3-MARKET consortium is comprised of experts in the various areas necessary for the successful development of a data market ecosystem:

  • Industry leaders 4. 0
  • Experts in connected mobility and IoT solutions
  • The Presidency of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) (SIEMENS AG)
  • Software and security experts (SIEMENS SRL)
  • Experts in software and systems integration and leaders in IoT solutions
  • Suppliers of hardware and software security technologies and solutions (IDEMIA-OBERTHUR)
  • Financial security experts (GFT)
  • Experts in management and security of information systems (IBM)
  • European DigitalSME Alliance representing the SME community with regard to the European data economy market
  • SMEs experts in the development of tools and services based on blockchain technologies for the industrial and financial data markets (Guardtime and Telesto)
  • Experts in IoT systems integration (HOPU)
  • Experts in systems analysis and IoT market studies (UNPARALLEL)

Collaboration with leading research institutes is also being key to key scientific input on semantic interoperability, counting on

  • BDVA Vice-Presidency (NUIG)
  • Experts in security and privacy based on blockchain technology (UPC)
  • Experts in business and economics (AUEB)


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i3market kickoff meeting

i3-MARKET: un marketplace seguro y fiable para incentivar la industria de la economía de datos

Seguridad y fiabilidad en la industria de la economía de los datos

A pesar de los diversos intentos de investigación e innovación que se han realizado en el ámbito de la gestión de Big Data y la integración y seguridad de datos personales e industriales, no existe un mercado de datos fiable y seguro ampliamente aceptado. En este ámbito existe pues una creciente demanda de una economía de mercado de datos única en Europa, que se aborde a través de la innovación en plataformas marketplace, con el afán de demostrar con implementaciones industriales que el crecimiento de la economía de datos es posible. 


Diseño del backplane de i3-MARKET

En este contexto surge el proyecto i3-MARKET, como solución capaz de proporcionar tecnologías seguras y fiables, colaboraciones basada en datos y una federación de marketplaces existentes y futuros, prestando especial atención a los datos industriales y, en particular, sobre los activos de datos comerciales sensibles tanto de PYMES como de grandes corporaciones industriales. El proyecto, enmarcado dentro del programa de innovación e investigación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea, se centra en alcanzar los niveles deseados de privacidad y confidencialidad en las plataformas marketplace, que respalden tanto los aspectos legales como de control y transparencia para la compartición datos entre los sistemas y servicios. Esto se hará posible mediante la creación de un backplane de datos descentralizado, interoperable y de confianza, que permitirá la integración de múltiples marketplace para un intercambio de datos seguro y que preserve la privacidad a través de los espacios de datos. i3-MARKET pone, por lo tanto, especial foco en los aspectos reglamentarios en torno a los activos de datos sensibles desarrollando medidas de seguridad y control de acceso necesarios que permitan el comercio seguro de datos, incluido el apoyo a la contratación automatizada (contratos inteligentes incl. el marco jurídico requerido según la reglamentación europea) y el intercambio de datos en tiempo real.


Una federación de marketplaces de datos como objetivo principal

<<  i3-MARKET permitirá el desarrollo los elementos necesarios para crear un entorno seguro y fiable tanto para para los proveedores de datos como los consumidores, y así incentivar y permitir la creación de una economía de mercado de datos europea más fiable >>

El objetivo de i3-MARKET es por tanto posibilitar una federación de marketplaces de datos y objetivos comunes como elementos clave para adoptar la última estrategia de Mercado Único Digital de la Comisión Europea, incentivando la economía de mercado de datos industriales.

Para ello, i3-MARKET se está desarrollando sobre tecnologías y soluciones que consoliden una infraestructura de confianza, segura, autogobernada, basada en el consenso y auditable, interoperable (impulsada por la semántica) y descentralizada (permitiendo escalabilidad), llamada i3-MARKET Software Framework oi3-MARKET Backplane”, que permite la federación  de los espacios de datos y mercados existentes y futuros a través de la interoperabilidad. El backplain de datos de i3-MARKET incluye la capacidad de monetización de los datos en forma de servicios de Economía de Datos Inteligente, para ofrecer y compartir datos y reducir las barreras de entrada al mercado para que los proveedores comercien con sus activos de datos con el objetivo de encender una floreciente economía de datos que fomente la innovación y los negocios en Europa.

Contribuciones para fortalecer la competitividad y la confianza en los mercados de datos

En la sociedad digital global, la pérdida de confianza y fiabilidad en los datos puede suponer un gran impedimento en los negocio. Los marketplace de datos, donde el éxito se debe en buena parte a que los consumidores confían en que van a recibir lo que están pagando. Este es un modelo de reputación basado en la confianza, que requiere mucho tiempo pero permite situar a grandes proveedores actuales en una clara ventaja competitiva.

En i3-MARKET, el uso de Tecnologías de Libro Mayor Distribuido o Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), como blockchain, permitirá auditar y verificar todos los pagos y contratos realizados en el marketplace de datos de manera fiable e inmutable. Este hecho, junto la ejecución de contratos inteligentes, permitirá a los consumidores y proveedores confiar en el i3-MARKET.

HOPU participa como experto en sistemas IoT

Como parte del consorcio, HOPU centrado en la integración y el uso de servicios de datos inteligentes en un mercado impulsado por la adición de valor en los servicios impulsados por datos. Por esta razón, i3-MARKET permitirá la demostración de casos de uso innovadores basados en la federación de activos de datos de múltiples fuentes que abarcan desde la fabricación, la automoción y la informática centrada en el ser humano, los dispositivos conectados, etc. La inclusión de un alto nivel de confianza y seguridad en los servicios inteligentes de datos y la demostración del valor de los servicios basados en datos permitirá entrar en un mercado más escalable, más allá del mercado actual de IoT, con integración de datos contextuales. HOPU explotará los resultados del proyecto para comprender cómo aportar soluciones basadas en los datos capturados del entorno para determinar una correlación con las actuaciones realizadas en el entono.

Un consorcio internacional multidisciplinar

El consorcio de i3-MARKET se encuentra formado por expertos en las distintas áreas necesarias para el desarrollo exitoso de un ecosistema de mercado de datos: 

  • Líderes de la industria 4. 0
  • Expertos en soluciones de movilidad conectadas e IoT
  • La Presidencia de la Big Data Value Association (BDVA) (SIEMENS AG)
  • Expertos en software y seguridad (SIEMENS SRL)
  • Expertos en integración de software y sistemas y líderes en soluciones de IoT
  • Proveedores de tecnologías y soluciones de seguridad de hardware y software (IDEMIA-OBERTHUR)
  • Expertos en seguridad financiera (GFT)
  • Expertos en gestión y seguridad de los sistemas de información (IBM)
  • Alianza europea DigitalSME en representación de la comunidad de PYMES con respecto al mercado de la economía de datos europeos
  • PYMES expertas en desarrollo de herramientas y servicios basados en tecnologías blockchain para los mercados de datos industriales y financieros(Guardtime y Telesto)
  • Expertos en integración de sistemas de IoT (HOPU)
  • Expertos en análisis de sistemas y estudios de mercado de IoT (UNPARALLEL)

La colaboración con institutos de investigación líderes está  siendo clave además para las aportaciones científicas clave sobre interoperabilidad semántica, contando para ello con:

  • Vicepresidencia de la BDVA (NUIG)
  • Expertos en seguridad y la privacidad basadas en tecnología blockchain (UPC)
  • Expertos en negocios y economía (AUEB)

i3market partners

Distribución geográfica del consorcio i3 MARKET

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